Fergus Environmental Assessment Site Location Map

About the Study

Fergus Development Inc. (Geranium) has completed a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) Study to evaluate alternatives for water and wastewater servicing required for the redevelopment of part of the Fergus Golf Club lands. The 18-hole golf course on the northeast lands will remain. The site location and approximate extent of the Study Area are shown on the map. 

The project was conducted in accordance with the planning and design processes for Schedule C projects, as outlined in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (2023) which is approved under the Environmental Assessment Act. The MCEA process includes: consultation with agencies, stakeholders, Indigenous communities and public; an evaluation of alternative solutions to address the project opportunity; alternative design concepts for the preferred solution; an assessment of potential environmental impacts; and identification of reasonable measures to mitigate any potential adverse impacts. At the conclusion of the Study, an Environmental Study Report (ESR) will be prepared for public review.

Public consultation is important to this Study. Fergus Development Inc. (Geranium) would like to ensure that anyone interested in this Study has the opportunity to provide input into the planning and design of the project. Fergus Development Inc. (Geranium) is inviting the public to attend Public Information Centres (PIC) for this Study. PIC #1 was held on June 1, 2023 (see links to PIC #1 materials below). A second PIC will be held September 11, 2023 (see link to PIC#2 materials below).

For More Information

To provide comment, request additional information about this Study or to be added to the Project Contact List to receive future notices, please email or contact either of the following Project Team members:

Theyonas Manoharan, P.Eng.

Project Manager
Fergus Development Inc.
3190 Steeles Avenue East, Suite 300
Markham, ON L3R 1G9
Tel: 905-477-1177 x 257

Mishaal Rizwan, MES (Pl.)

Environmental Assessment Coordinator
R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited
292 Speedvale Avenue West, Unit 20
Guelph, ON N1H 1C4
Tel: 226-486-1774

Public Information Centre #2

Notice of PIC #2

PIC #2 Presentation

PIC #2 Display Boards

Please click the link to complete and submit the comment sheet.
Comment sheets should be completed by October 2, 2023 PIC #2 Comment Sheet