Shellard Lane Development Study Area Map


The L!V Community Development Landowners Group (Landowners Group) is proposing to develop lands which include properties north of Shellard Lane within Area C Lands of the Special Policy Area 20 with support of their Planning Consultant Arcadis Professional Services, and Environmental Assessment Consultant R.J. Burnside & Associates. The subject lands are located in the southwest quadrant of the City of Brantford and generally lie between Shellard Lane and the CN Rail Trail.

In support of a future site plan and the required collector roads, the Landowners Group has initiated an Integrated Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA). It is intended that the Integrated Municipal Class EA process will also build upon the City of Brantford’s Transportation Master Plan, Active Transportation Master Plan Study, Master Servicing Plans, Parks and Recreation Master Plan and Section 6.9.20 of the City’s Official Plan.  The Study Area is illustrated in the Figure shown above.


The study is being completed as a Schedule C Municipal Class EA process through an integrated planning approach as set out in the Municipal Class Environmental Assessment process (Municipal Engineers Association, March 2023) which is an approved process under the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act.

The process will include consultation and engagement with the public, agencies, City of Brantford, local developers, and Indigenous communities. The Integrated Municipal Class EA will evaluate alternative solutions for the collector roads, with consideration of the natural, cultural, technical, and financial environment and recommend a preferred solution associated with the future site plan.

Public Information Centres (PICs) are planned to discuss issues related to the project, including alternative solutions and designs, evaluation criteria, environmental impacts and mitigation measures.  PIC dates and details will be advertised as the study progresses.

For More Information

To provide comment, request additional information about this Study or to be added to the Project Contact List to receive future notices, please email or contact either of the following Project Team members:

Ben Jones

Senior Land Development Manager
L!V Communities
1005 Skyview Drive, Suite 301,
Burlington, ON L7P 5B1
Phone: 289-245-1300 ext. 522

Philip A. Rowe, C.E.T., EP.

Consultant Project Manager
R.J. Burnside & Associates Limited
1266 South Service Road, Suite C2
Stoney Creek, ON L8E 5R9
Phone: 905-821-5915

Notice of Study Commencement – March 28, 2024

Notice of Study Commencement

Notice of Public Information Centre #1 – June 6, 2023

Public Information Centre #2 Information Boards